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Upgrade notes


  • The configuration section names in the confbridge configuration file have been changed to use the prefix wazo_ instead of xivo_. If you manually modified these configuration section in /etc/asterisk/confbridge.d/*.conf you MUST use the new names.

  • The following channel variables have been renamed. If you used them in a subroutine you MUST use the new name to maintain a working dialplan in the future. The old names have been kept for retrocompatibility, so your dialplan should keep working for the moment. Deprecation messages will appear in the Asterisk CLI if you try to modify those variables. Support for the old variables may be removed in any later release.

  • The global dialplan variables in /etc/xivo/asterisk/xivo_globals.conf have been renamed from XIVO_FWD_ to WAZO_FWD_.

Consult the 25.03 Tickets for more information.


  • The required ACL suffix for the wazo-auth service has been updated to align with the Wazo Standard. The new suffix is .update, replacing the previous .edit suffix. While the old suffix remains functional, it is now deprecated. Policies stored in the database have been migrated automatically, but any custom configuration files will need to be updated manually.
  • Ring groups and Queues now have the dtmf_record_toggle_enabled option. If a call reaches a group or a queue and the callee uses *3 to start or stop the recording, the group or queue setting will be checked instead of the user's configuration option. All existing groups and queues now have the recording option enabled to avoid breaking existing installations using *3 for queued calls. If this is not desired you should disable this new option on you group or queue. This change impacts the callee's ability to do *3 only, not the caller.

Consult the 25.02 Tickets for more information.


  • The embedded API documentation (https://<wazo-ip>/api) has been removed. You can access the same documentation via the API Console on the Wazo platform website, using your <wazo-ip> for local API access.

Consult the 25.01 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.17 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.16 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.15 Tickets for more information.


  • The xivo-fix-paths-rights upgrade script has been removed from the pre-start.d script collection. The core of the changes that this script does has been included in the asterisk packaging. If you have any issues with file permissions, it is still possible to run it manually by executing xivo-fix-paths-rights.

Consult the 24.14 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.13 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.12 Tickets for more information.


  • Wazo services logs are no longer captured by rsyslog and written in /var/log/daemon.log and /var/log/syslog.

Consult the 24.11 Tickets for more information.


  • The default authentication method has been changed from default to native for external_api users. If you relied on an external_api user using saml or ldap authentication you will need to update that user's authentication method to the desired value.
  • The Calls API is now tenant-aware for read operations. API calls from the root tenant now require the recurse argument.

Consult the 24.10 Tickets for more information.


  • New restriction in place which prevents a user from creating too many tokens simultaneously. By default, the limit is set to 100, but can be modified in wazo-auth configuration files. If a user tries to create more than the allowed limit, an error will be returned.

Consult the 24.09 Tickets for more information.


  • Users and tenants now have authentication_method and default_authentication_method fields. Tenants using LDAP authentication MUST set their administrative user accounts to use authentication_method: native and set their tenant to use default_authentication_method: ldap.
  • Calls will be hung up automatically after 10 hours.

Consult the 24.08 Tickets for more information.


  • wazo-webhookd now supports Firebase Cloud Messaging v1 API. The current mobile notifications configuration using FCM must be migrated to the new credentials before June 2024, using the fcm_service_account_info field of wazo-auth /0.1/external/mobile/config. The contents of this field must be the contents of the JSON file provided by Google in their migration documentation. Please note that the fcm_sender_id field is still necessary, only fcm_api_key is deprecated.

Consult the 24.07 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.06 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.05 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.04 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 24.03 Tickets for more information.


  • xivo-bus has been renamed to wazo-bus. We've added a compatibility layer to avoid breaking custom development depending on xivo-bus. We recommend to upgrade to wazo-bus as soon as possible since xivo-bus will be removed completely in a future version.

  • The global parking lot with default extension 700 has been removed. If you need the parking lot feature, you need to create one first.

  • Any leftover function key to parking lots remaining from 18.03 have been deleted, since they were unusable in the later versions.

  • Python module for provisioning plugins has been renamed from provd to wazo_provd. For any custom provisioning plugin development, we recommend to upgrade to wazo_provd as soon as possible since provd name will be removed completely in a future version.

  • The following channel variables have been renamed. If you used them in a subroutine you MUST use the new name to maintain a working dialplan in the future. The old names have been kept for retrocompatibility, so your dialplan should keep working for the moment. Deprecation messages will appear in the Asterisk CLI if you try to modify those variables. Support for the old variables may be removed in any later release.

  • The following dialplan context have been renamed. If you used them in your dialplan you MUST use the new name. The old names have been kept for retrocompatibility, so your dialplan should keep working for the moment. Deprecation messages will appear in the Asterisk CLI until all usage of these contexts have been removed. Support for the old contexts may be removed in any later release.

    • xivo-verbose -> wazo-verbose
    • xivo-subroutine -> wazo-subroutine
    • xivo-global-subroutine -> wazo-global-subroutine
    • xivo-fwd-subroutine -> wazo-fwd-subroutine
  • The following global variables have been renamed. The new names MUST be used. If you used them in your dialplan you MUST use the new name to maintain a working dialplan in the future. The old names have been kept for retrocompatibility, so your dialplan should keep working for the moment. Support for the old variables may be removed in any later release.

  • If you modified the *3 feature extension to toggle call recording, you MUST manually update you extension definition to use the WAZO_AGID_IP variable instead of XIVO_AGID_IP.

Consult the 24.02 Tickets for more information.


  • xivo-certs has been renamed to wazo-certs. You may need to update custom configuration to point to the new path /usr/share/wazo-certs/server.{key,cert}.
  • xivo-sync has been renamed to wazo-sync. You must use the new name when configuring high availability.

Consult the 24.01 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.17 Tickets for more information.


  • wazo-provd is now proxied by NGINX service. Since it should not be impactful, you may want to be careful if you have a custom setup.

  • The following wazo-provd configuration options have been renamed:

    • ip / external_ip --> advertised_host
    • http_port --> advertised_http_port
    • base_external_url --> advertised_http_url
    • num_http_proxies --> http_proxied_trusted_proxies_count

Consult the 23.16 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.15 Tickets for more information.


  • Directory sources of type phonebook that are configured to an invalid phonebook will be deleted.

Consult the 23.14 Tickets for more information.


  • wazo-provd now listens on TCP port 18667 locally and is exposed on TCP port 8667 through nginx. If you are using any other port than TCP 8667 for provisioning, you may need to change the configuration of wazo-provd or nginx.

Consult the 23.13 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.12 Tickets for more information.


  • The existing phonebook API from wazo-dird (using /tenant/<tenant_name>/phonebook as base url and <phonebook_id> as resource identifier) is being deprecated in favour of new API (using /phonebooks as base url) and will be removed in a future release.

  • Added required field phonebook_uuid to phonebook source resource (/backend/phonebook/sources). This attribute should point to a valid existing phonebook. Existing phonebook sources created without this attribute may be deleted by a database migration in a future release.

Consult the 23.11 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.10 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.09 Tickets for more information.


  • Music on hold files are now validated to avoid issues with asterisk. The validation occurs only if the music class is of mode files. The validation ensures that only WAV files in mono, 8kHz/16kHz sample rate and a bit depth of no more than 16 bits can be uploaded. The invalid files are going to be migrated to the /var/lib/asterisk/moh/.invalid directory and removed from the MOH class.

Consult the 23.08 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.07 Tickets for more information.


  • Debian has been upgraded from version 10 (Buster) to 11 (Bullseye). Please see the following detailed upgrade notes for more information:

  • As part of the upgrade to Debian 11, many packages will be updated, notably this includes PostgreSQL from 11 to 13 and Python from 3.7 to 3.9, so be sure to check for compatibility and changes if there are any custom scripts or plugins.

  • The i386 (32 bit) architecture (deprecated since 20.16) has been dropped from our mirror.

Consult the 23.06 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.05 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.04 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 23.03 Tickets for more information.


  • This version introduces the removal of various deprecated classes in the bus library:

    • Marshaller, PublishingQueue, FailFastPublisher, LongLivedPublisher, BaseEvent, ResourceConfigEvent and ArbitraryEvent have been removed

    If you have custom scripts still relying on ArbitraryEvent, you should update your code to use either ServiceEvent, TenantEvent or UserEvent instead. For more details and examples, please see our blog article about Wazo Platform events.

  • dahdi-linux-modules is not supported anymore. Any custom installation using wazo packages must be removed manually:

    • Remove /etc/wazo-confgend/conf.d/chan_dahdi.yml
    • Remove from /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
    • apt purge wazo-asterisk-extra-modules
    • Remove /usr/share/wazo-upgrade/pre-start.d/
  • wazo-auth usernames and e-mail addresses are now case insensitive. If any duplicate is found during the upgrade, they will be prefixed by duplicateXX, where XX is the occurence number.

Consult the 23.02 Tickets for more information.


  • All Wazo clients are now only compatible with Python 3 (the version included in the current distro). So, if you have any custom python scripts written in Python 2, you must upgrade them to Python 3. The Python 3 version of most wazo packages are suffixed with -python3and can be installed with apt. eg. apt install wazo-provd-client-python3

  • All Wazo components are now only compatible with Python 3 (the version included in the current distro) and only no longer provide any Python 2 builds. If you have any custom scripts or libraries that extend wazo components, and they are written in Python 2, you may need to update them. For wazo libraries that had separate packages for Python 2 and 3 you may need to install the Python 3 version. They are usually suffixed by -python3.

  • Support for the b Dial option in the XIVO_CALLOPTIONS in subroutine has been deprecated since 21.01 in favor of wazo-add-pre-dial-hook. Automatic conversion of the b option to the new pre-dial-hook system is now removed, and any remaining legacy configurations will now need to be updated accordingly. See pre-dial handlers and 21.01 release notes for more details.

  • Bus configuration changes for all services (excluding wazo-auth). If you use custom configuration, you might have to review these settings

    • key exchange_name now defaults to wazo-headers instead of xivo
    • key exchange_type has been removed (recent versions have migrated to headers routing and is no longer configurable)

Consult the 23.01 Tickets for more information.


  • A new database index is being added on call logs. This operation can be time-consuming on systems with many existing call logs.

    For systems with millions of existing call logs, the index can be created manually while the system is running to avoid downtime using the following command: sudo -u postgres psql asterisk -c "create index if not exists call_logd_call_log_participant__idx__call_log_id on call_logd_call_log_participant (call_log_id)"

  • consul has been removed from wazo dependency by default. If you rely on this component, make sure to follow steps before upgrade:

    • Mark this package as manually installed: apt-mark manual consul
    • Enable service discovery for each service. An example can be found in config.yml of the service

Consult the 22.17 Tickets for more information.


  • wazo-provd now uses Python 3. The latest version of all plugins have been updated to use Python 3 as well. The default plugin repository has been changed from (python 2) to (python 3). This change should be automatic, but if you are using a custom URL it will need to be updated to one containing Python 3 compatible plugins. If you happen to have devices using a plugin that is no longer provided by us, it will not be possible to use it anymore without manual intervention. See the detailed upgrade notes for more information.

  • There is a behaviour change to the room API from wazo-chatd. There can only be one room for the same participants. For example, Bob and Alice can only have one chat room with each other. To leave time to migrate, creating another room will return the same room instead of raising a 409 error. However, this behaviour will change in the future.

    • Important: To implement this change with existing chat rooms, all rooms with the same set of users have been merged together.
  • xivo-berofos CLI and bntools package have been removed and are not supported anymore

Consult the 22.16 Tickets for more information.


  • The SIP template webrtc_video was merged into the SIP template webrtc. If you modified the template webrtc_video prior to the migration to 22.15, the webrtc_video template has been left in place, though all references from other templates will be moved to webrtc instead. You will have to either move your SIP template custom config to webrtc or restore the references from other SIP templates.

Consult the 22.15 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.14 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.13 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.12 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.11 Tickets for more information.


  • Asterisk version has been updated:
  • Backup directory has been moved from /var/backups/xivo to /var/backups/wazo
  • xivo-backup script has been renamed to wazo-backup. xivo-backup is now deprecated and will be removed in future version.
  • Admin users of a tenant are now part of an admin group (one group per tenant). The admin permissions policy has been moved to the new admin group, instead of each individual admin user. New admin users are expected to be placed into this group.

Consult the 22.10 Tickets for more information.


  • Webhooks are now tenant-aware

    • Webhooks defined in a tenant will only trigger on events originating from within that tenant.
    • Webhooks defined in the master tenant will trigger on events from all tenants.
  • All HTTP URLs on port 80 have been redirected to HTTPS on port 443, including the following URLs:

    This does not impact HTTP requests made by physical phones, using ports 8667 for provisioning and 9498 for directories and some phone key features.

Consult the 22.09 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.08 Tickets for more information.


  • Port 5040 from asterisk is now disabled by default. If custom development need it, add configuration file:

    • Example: /etc/asterisk/http.d/50-custom.conf

Consult the 22.07 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.06 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.05 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.04 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.03 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.02 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 22.01 Tickets for more information.


  • Throttling was added in the nginx configuration of the following routes:

    • /api/auth/0.1/backends
    • /api/auth/0.1/status
    • /api/confd/1.1/guests/me/meetings/<meeting_uuid>
    • /api/confd/1.1/wizard

    The request rate is limited at 25 requests per second, with an allowed burst of 15 requests. If you have any nginx custom configuration (e.g. using certbot), you will be asked a question about the /etc/nginx/sites-available/wazo configuration file during the upgrade. You must accept the maintainer version, then reapply your custom configuration, which is saved in /etc/nginx/sites-available/wazo.dpkg-old.

  • If you installed Wazo Platform before 21.01, you will have an error about an invalid signature. See the troubleshooting section for the fix.

Consult the 21.16 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.15 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.14 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.13 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.12 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.11 Tickets for more information.


  • All Snom, Yealink and Aastra / Mitel phone plugins now use by default the following preferred codecs: G711A, G711U, G722 and G729. Other codecs are disabled by default. Administrators wanting to use other codecs must define them in custom templates.

  • The wazo-dird Google backend has migrated from using the deprecated Contacts API to the People API. To make valid requests, the Google Cloud application must have either the or the permissions. Also, the Google Cloud application must enable the People API instead of the Contacts API; here's how to do that.

Consult the 21.10 Tickets for more information.


  • You are now required to have the same access you are attempting to assign to another resource (i.e. users/groups). Following this logic, admin now have access to all resources in their tenant by default.

Consult the 21.09 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.08 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.07 Tickets for more information.


  • Call recording filenames are now exposed using the CDR API. The filenames on the filesystem are now auto-generated using a UUID and an extension only.
  • Call recording files are now automatically purged (default: after 1 year). However, call recording files that were created before Wazo Platform 21.03 will not be purged automatically. Those recording files can be found in /var/lib/wazo/sounds/tenants/*/monitor and you can remove the older files manually without risk.

Consult the 21.06 Tickets for more information.


  • wazo-sysconfd configuration has been migrated to /etc/wazo-sysconfd/config.yml. However, if you had modified the /etc/xivo/sysconfd.conf configuration file, you should create a new file in the /etc/wazo-sysconfd/conf.d directory with your changes.

Consult the 21.05 Tickets for more information.


  • xivo-sysconfd has been renamed to wazo-sysconfd

  • Call recording will now play a beep when the recording starts and end. This behavior can be modified in /etc/xivo/asterisk/xivo_globals.conf by modifying the WAZO_MIXMONITOR_OPTIONS. See the Asterisk documentation for available options.

  • The group resource is now identified by a UUID instead of sequential ID. The API using sequential ID will keep working for a while. Policies with permissions for a specific group will have to be changed to use the UUID of the group instead of its ID. This only happens if you create policies with permissions limited to a specific group.

    For example: would have to be updated to use the UUID of the group with ID 42.

Consult the 21.04 Tickets for more information.


  • Call logs have been moved to wazo-call-logd database. The migration will be automated for everyone with less than 10M entries, for the others, the upgrade will ask you to run the wazo-call-logd-migrate-db command manually to complete the migration. Note that this command can take a while to execute.

  • The following dialplan variables have been deprecated from the Wazo dialplan

    • XIVO_GROUPSUB should be replaced by the __WAZO_GROUP_SUBROUTINE variable
    • XIVO_QUEUESUB should be replaced by the __WAZO_QUEUE_SUBROUTINE variable
  • Call recording will now record calls on queues and groups when the answering user has the recording option enabled.

Consult the 21.03 Tickets for more information.


Consult the 21.02 Tickets for more information.


  • Asterisk version has been updated:

  • Deprecated conference system (meetme) has been completely removed. Meetme conferences have not been configurable since 18.03 and unusable since 19.17. Note that recordings have been removed from backup (i.e. /var/spool/asterisk/meetme).

  • The way pre-dial handlers can be added in a subroutine has been changed. See pre-dial handlers for more details.

    • If you used custom dialplan to add the b option to the XIVO_CALLOPTIONS you should update it to use the wazo-add-pre-dial-hook subroutine.

      ; A subroutine with this line
      same = n,Set(XIVO_CALLOPTIONS=${XIVO_CALLOPTIONS}b(my-subroutine^s^1))
      ; should become
      same = n,GoSub(wazo-add-pre-dial-hook,s,1(my-subroutine))
  • dahdi-linux-modules has been removed by default if no configuration found (i.e. /etc/asterisk/dahdi_channels.conf). Moreover, wazo-upgrade will stop to upgrade this package by default.

Consult the 21.01 Tickets for more information.


See our old upgrade notes