Wazo Platform 24.13 Released

23 September 2024

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 24.13 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Voicemail: The APIs to manage voicemails are now tenant-aware
  • Call Logs: Added a new property requested_user_uuid to CDRs which provides the UUID of the user originally being called.

Bug Fixes

  • SAML: Fix logout after server or service restart.

Ongoing Features

  • wazo-provd: The storage of wazo-provd is being rewritten to use Postgresql instead of json files on the filesystem

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!




Comments or questions in this forum post.

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Video @ Kamailio World: Dangerous Demos

Video @ the Telecom Application Development Summit: What can you do with Wazo?

Video @ the Telecom Application Development Summit: WAZO Keynote: xCPaaS

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