Deprecated Versions Policy
General policy
On January 1st of every year, Wazo versions that are more than 4 years old will be considered as deprecated.
Planned deprecation calendar:
Date | Deprecated versions |
2022-01-01 | older than 18.01 |
2023-01-01 | older than 19.01 |
2024-01-01 | older than 20.01 |
2025-01-01 | older than 21.01 |
2026-01-01 | older than 22.01 |
2027-01-01 | older than 23.01 |
2028-01-01 | older than 24.01 |
What does it mean to be in a deprecated version?
- A deprecated Wazo version does not have a supported upgrade path directly to the latest Wazo
version. This means that running a straight
is not guaranteed to succeed. - Asking questions about a deprecated version (e.g. on the forum) will probably get the following answer: "get a newer version first, then come back and ask your question".
Why are versions being deprecated?
- Hosting the binaries of older versions is costly and mostly useless: most people install the latest version of Wazo, and the very few cases where an old binary is needed is not worth the cost.
- Maintaining the upgrade machinery for older versions is time-consuming for developers: the more versions are supported by the upgrade, the more cases there are to handle; more cases make the code harder to read, understand and modify, bugs become more probable and the latest upgrades are more difficult to write.
- There are very few Wazo installed with older versions, as far as we can tell: all software should be upgraded frequently and Wazo is no exception. We consider 4 years to be a reasonable time range to upgrade at least once an IPBX. We do not want to hinder development for the very few who did not take the time to upgrade.
I have a deprecated version. What are my options?
There are two main options:
- upgrade to a Wazo version that is more recent, but not the latest: you can use the procedures listed in Upgrade to a specific version of Wazo.
- install a new server with the latest Wazo version, and reproduce your configuration by using the export/import features of Wazo and copying files