Contribute: # New service guidelines
When writing new service, you need to follow our guidelines to be sure all services in Wazo Platform are in the same vision.
Before writing a new service please add a wpep to discuss about the service.
HTTP ports
Wazo Platform uses TCP ports starting from 9486 (used for wazo-confd) upward. When creating a new daemon, pick the next unused port. See Network for more information.
Checklist of things to remember when adding a new service to Wazo Platform:
- The service default user is not root
- The service default user cannot log in to a shell
- The service default user does not have a /home/user, only a /var/lib/user if necessary
- The service default user has write permissions for the default log file
- The service default user has write permissions for the PID file and its directory
- The service default user is part of the consul group if the service needs the default consul config file
- The service is added to wazo-service if necessary
- The service is monitored by monit
- The service is correctly installed on a fresh install
- The service is correctly started on a reboot
- The service is correctly started on a wazo-upgrade
- The service is the correct state (running or stopped) after an upgrade of the slave machine
- The service is documented on
- The service config files are copied by wazo-backup
- The service config files are listed in the documentation for files backup
- The service registers with consul for the discovery of services
- Add an entry to the acceptance test:
- Add an entry to the acceptance test:
- The ports used are listed in the doc. Ports are not usually used for testing HTTP (8000, 8080, etc.).
- The OpenAPI/Swagger spec is offered at
- The REST API is accessible via GET
- Add an entry to the acceptance test:
- Add an entry to the acceptance test:
- The service has packaging instructions for the latest Debian stable
- The versions of the service dependencies are available as Debian packages in Debian stable or Wazo Platform
- requirements.txt pins package versions equal to Debian packages
- If a package is not available in Debian, we need to package the version in our repo like the other wazo-<name_dependencies>-packaging.